Day in the life of a Wedding Co-ordinator

Being a wedding co-ordinator is a truly brilliant job. We are able to be part of one of the most important days of someone’s life. We are involved in the minutest detail and are witness to the happiest of moments. However, it is not all glamour and giggles…there are many jobs we are required to do, some are mundane, others send our stress levels over the edge, and many which you would never even imagine!

Before we meet a potential couple, we will have corresponded with them via email, and most probably sent them a brochure in the post. A viewing is the next step and finding an available spot in our diary can be more challenging than you’d think! There will be much toing and froing until a date is decided. Once we meet a couple, we can show off the Castle and really get to know the people and what they are looking for. The average couple will visit 3 venues in person so the conversion rate to booking is quite high.
One of the most important aspects of our job is in the lead up to the big day. Making sure we are in constant communication with each couple, reassuring them that we are here when they need us, answering all sorts of questions (reminding them that there is no silly question) is all integral to the job. Every bride & groom are different – we have couples that need a lot of support and will meet with us a number of times, and those who are happy to take charge and organise everything without assistance.
On the day itself, we will be on site to manage the entire day. It is our responsibility that each element of the wedding and reception are held on time and that guests are where they need to be. It is a very long day and can be exhausting, but watching a couple say ‘I do’, surrounded by those that love them most, will never get boring.  The team we work with are incredibly important and without their support, our job would be impossible.
As with any job, there are good days and bad days but working in the wedding industry is unbelievably positive and full of joy and I wouldn’t want to do anything else.

Some of the more interesting requests we’ve had at the Castle:
-          Camel racing on the Lower Lawns (the answer is yes FYI – what a great Instagram opportunity!).
-          Owls delivering rings (again, the answer is yes…just make sure you have no one who is ornithophobic!).
-          Real ducks to scatter petals for the bride’s arrival (yes, real ducks!).
-          Topiary (if you bring your own bushes!).
-          Dancing Chinese dragons with fire breathing acrobats – quite sensational in the Courtyard.
-          Singing waiters (yes yes yes, we love this idea).



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